
Finding Purpose – Even in the Presence of Lewy

What is purpose?   According to research, purpose can be defined as setting long-term goals which are personally meaningful and make a positive contribution to the world. Our sense of purpose […]
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Holiday Changes – When Celebrations May Need Updating

The holidays can be a shared time with a host of traditions, connections with others, and special foods. They may involve religious rites, symbols, or service and often include travel, […]
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Why is Gratitude Important?

In an article recently published by Harvard University – studies have shown that both feeling and expressing gratitude can be directly associated with increased levels of happiness, positive emotions, remembrance […]
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The Importance of Fall Prevention

According to the CDC, falls remain the leading cause of injury in older adults – with over 36 million reported falls each year and 1 out of every 5 of […]
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Frequently Asked Questions about Aducanumab

On June 7, 2021, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved aducanumab, marketed under the name Aduhelm™ for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Here at LBDA, we know that raises […]
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Financial Scams – Increasing awareness to avoid risk!

A person calls, emails, texts, pays a visit to your home, or messages you and they appear knowledgeable, helpful, professional, and kind. They have a solution or opportunity to offer, […]
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The Social Security Administration Can Help

On behalf of the Social Security Administration (SSA), we want to let you know that during the current coronavirus pandemic, SSA continues to provide help to you and others in […]
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Diet and Exercise as LBD Progresses

Everyone knows that maintaining a healthy diet and staying physically active is important in life. But as LBD progresses, exercise and good nutrition can be a challenge. Cognitive skills and […]
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Simplify Your Medicines

by Pat Snyder Do you have multiple prescription medicines that need to be filled each month? Do you call the pharmacy at the last minute several times a month to […]
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The Dog Days of Summer: Avoiding Hyperthermia

Some people with LBD have problems with poor regulation of body temperature. This is due to a change in the nervous system that controls automated functions like breathing and digestion. […]
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