
Helping people find LBD-related studies that need participants

Clinical trials and research studies are crucial to learning more about LBD. Researchers are in search of participants from the LBD community – people living with Lewy, care partners and family members – to help advance our understanding of this life changing disease leading us to better treatments.

Lewy Trial Tracker makes it easy for you to keep up with and participate in the latest LBD research. It’s an ongoing, single source of information on LBD-related clinical trials and studies that highlights study topics, procedures, locations, and contact information.

What happens when I sign up?

When you register for the Lewy Trial Tracker, you will receive a quarterly 
e-newsletter listing new and current studies and trials, plus notifications on 
when new studies are launched that match your specific interests. Lewy Trial Tracker simply provides study contact information – if a particular study 
interests you, the choice to contact them is always up to you.

Sign up for Lewy Trial Tracker

It’s easy – just answer a short survey to start receiving quarterly updates on studies.

Complete Survey

Lewy Trial Tracker does NOT share any personal information with study teams, pharmaceutical companies, or fundraisers.