Submit An LBD Story

LBDA invites you to submit a personal LBD story for possible inclusion in our website, newsletter or other publications.

Stories can be up to 1,000 words in length. Submissions must include full contact information of the author, including name, address, phone number and email if available. Please also let us know if you would like to be acknowledged publicly as the author of your story, or if you wish for it to be published anonymously.

By submitting a story, the author gives LBDA the permission to use their story in print or online, and to be reproduced in part, completely, or summarized by LBDA at our discretion. (Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that all stories submitted will be published.) Depending on the story and the author’s permission to be publicly acknowledged, LBDA may publish the story using real names and locations or may remove the names and locations or may remove the names and locations in order to protect the idenitiy of anyone in the story.

Personal stories can be submitted to LBDA by filling out the form below. Stories can also be submitted by email at (please notate LBD Story in the subject line) or by mail:

912 Killian Hill Road SW
Lilburn, GA 30047

Thank you for sharing your story with LBDA!