The U.S. Based DIAMOND Lewy™ Management Toolkit

Originally developed in the UK for dissemination via the National Health Service, the Diamond Lewy™ Management Toolkit provides a comprehensive overview of the management of the complex symptoms of Lewy body […]
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NIH funds $35 million study of LBD risk factor

People with rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behavior disorder act out their dreams. While sleeping safely in bed, for example, they might throw up their arms to catch an imaginary […]
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LBD Diagnosis & Assessment

Neurological Exam | Motor Assessment | Psychiatric Assessment | Sleep Assessment | Autonomic Assessment | Blood Test and Imaging | DLB Diagnostic Criteria | PDD Diagnostic Criteria Neurological Exam A […]
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LBDA Research Mentorship Program

The Lewy Body Dementia Association is interested in establishing a Research Mentorship Program. The goal of this program is to promote the continued development of newly trained clinician-researchers, or experienced […]
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LBD Biomarkers: Progress

LBDA’s Research Centers of Excellence (RCOE) program presented a virtual symposium on “biomarkers” on January 25, 2021.  A biomarker is a biological sign that reveals the presence or severity of […]
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Sitting in the “genetic cross-hairs” of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

Study locates five genes that may play a critical role in Lewy body dementia. Source: National Institutes of Health In a study led by National Institutes of Health researchers, scientists […]
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The Virtual Assessment in Lewy Body Dementia: Pandemic and Beyond – A Series of 3 Webinars in 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic necessitated transition of care to telemedicine due to public health concerns. Those with LBD represent a particularly vulnerable population to the complications of COVID-19 given advanced age […]
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What’s in a Name? It Depends on Who’s Using It

What’s Alzheimer’s disease (AD)? A person off the street will probably describe a memory problem. A healthcare professional will likely say the same. In fact, AD is what happens at […]
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LBDA Partners with Medscape

Despite being a common form of dementia, there is still a tremendous need for more physician education on Lewy body dementia (LBD).  To address this issue, LBDA is proud to […]
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Shifting into Virtual Mode for LBD Research Meetings

In February of 2020 B.C. (before COVID-19), LBDA planned to host/attend 3 day-long meetings related to LBD research in June in Cleveland, OH. And then the pandemic hit. So, we […]
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New Research Definition of Mild Cognitive Impairment with Lewy bodies (MCI-LB)

Most people with Lewy body dementia (LBD) will experience mild changes in thinking; over time, these symptoms, referred to as mild cognitive impairment (MCI), worsen and may become dementia. As […]
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Alzheimer’s and Lewy bodies: When Two Pathologies Collide

DLB is one of two clinical diagnoses under the Lewy body dementia umbrella. When DLB co-occurs with Alzheimer’s disease, a clinical diagnosis is even more difficult to make as symptoms […]
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LBD and Coronavirus: Prevention is the Best Medicine

With all of the news about the coronavirus and the condition “COVID-19,” here are some things that LBD families should keep in mind in the coming weeks and months. This […]
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Loss of Attention May Suggest Faster Progression to Dementia in Very Early LBD

Like other dementias, a person doesn’t develop Lewy body dementia (LBD) overnight. Very mild symptoms worsen over time until medical attention is needed. Sometimes several years pass before these earliest […]
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Biogen’s Aducanumab Clinical Trial Results Revealed

In a stunning reversal last October, pharma giant Biogen announced that its failed Phase 3 clinical trial of aducanemab in people with mild cognitive impairment or mild Alzheimer’s disease didn’t […]
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Positive Results for the HARMONY Clinical Trial of Pimavanserin in Dementia-Related Psychosis

In December ACADIA Pharmaceuticals presented its top-line results from its Phase 3 clinical trial of pimavanserin in people who had dementia-related psychosis. The results had been eagerly awaited; ACADIA stopped […]
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LBDA’s Contributions to the Scientific Community

Throughout the year, LBDA staff have been traveling across the country to promote discussion and awareness of Lewy body dementias in local communities and at national conferences. Here are just a […]
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LBD Caregiver Experience Differs Between Spouses and Adult Children

Being a dementia caregiver can have a negative impact on one’s psychological well-being. But what is specifically known about the impact of LBD caregiving? And how it might differ based […]
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Updated LBD Research Recommendations Published

Every 3 years, a national research summit is held to update research strategies for non-Alzheimer’s dementias. This 2-day national event is one of 3 rotating summits held in response to […]
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National Institutes of Health Award $14 million for LBD Research

People who have LBD plus changes in the brain associated with Alzheimer’s disease tend to have more aggressive disease progression. However, science has not yet explained why these two disease […]
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