LBD and Parkinson’s
LBD and Parkinson's
My husband, Bob, was diagnosed by a neurologist at the VA with LBD and Parkinson's in October of 2015. Major symptoms developed last March/April with hallucinations, delusions, illusions, mobility problems, incontinence and declining mental functions. He was admitted to a nursing home in November of 2015. The disease has progressed pretty quickly and now he can't even stand up let alone walk. He is scheduled to see a neurologist at the VA to find out the stage of the disease. The PT people and the nurses at the nursing home insist that his inability to walk or stand is because he resists physical therapy and his muscles have atrophied. He told me many times about the pain and cramps in his legs and after PT it is worse. The staff at the home tell me that he is in the early stages of Parkinson's because he doesn't have tremors and because he is still able to speak. I looked this matter up on the internet and discovered that not all Parkinson's patients have tremors. The issue of speaking is that he talks about things that aren't real or he's frightened because he thinks he's at Dunkin Donoughts or a RR station. I go to see him every day but don't stay long because he falls asleep or it's just difficult emotionally for me. Sometimes he's so frightened of what's going on in his head that he cries and gets very emotional. I've provided him with a cell phone with speed dial so he can call me whenever he needs me. Sometimes he forgets the simple process of pressing "A" and "green button".
Angela Savinelli
Jan 06, 2018