Tag: Lewy Body Dementia

Finding Support that is Actually Supportive

Support is something that may promote certain interests, uphold, defend, assist, help, pay the cost of, serve as the foundation of, and keep something going. And, when one is facing difficult moments, we often find that we need all different kinds of support.

Support can be difficult to identify and difficult to ask for. Modern society is built a bit on the strength of the individual, “sucking it up”, staying busy, and often handling the hard times behind closed doors. The majority of what is seen on social media can make it even more difficult because we generally see the positive highlights of the lives of those around us. This can make it harder to share moments where we feel more vulnerable, weak, or wounded.

But, breaking out of the mindset of doing the difficult alone can be vital when support could be most helpful. It can be beneficial to take a few minutes to organize your thoughts around what is needed and list them according to priority.

If there is a diagnosis of Lewy body dementia with yourself or your loved one, here are a few ideas of assessing what types of support would be most supportive.

  • What do you need to know and understand to make the most informed decisions about this condition?
  • What hands-on help would make life more manageable or reduce risks such as helping with the lawn or driving to the grocery store?
  • What care supports are currently needed now and what may be needed in the future?
  • Who may be helpful to connect with to feel heard and understood?
  • What can bring joy and engagement to your life now – even if modifications must be made?
  • What could you delegate or share with those around you who want to help but may need to be given certain tasks?
  • What have you learned that you can share with others to advocate or increase awareness for your situation and for the situations of others on this journey?

Once you have your thoughts together, it is important develop an active plan to connect, discuss, ask questions, and advocate for what is now identified as needed support. Understand the needs will change so embrace flexibility.  Once you have clarity, it is easier to seek what is needed and be clear when asking instead of waiting for it to come to us.

The Importance of Fall Prevention

According to the CDC, falls remain the leading cause of injury in older adults – with over 36 million reported falls each year and 1 out of every 5 of those falls leading to serious injury.

The symptoms associated with Lewy body dementia can increase fall risk – such as blood pressure changes, dizziness, vision changes, and general issues with movement.

It is important to speak to medical providers to see what can be done to lower risk – including medication changes, the use of medical devices such as walkers, and other recommendations such as physical or occupational therapies.

Another simple way to lessen risk is to do a quick assessment of one’s home setting to make sure that it is as safe as possible to prevent or reduce falls or injury from falling.

Tips may include removing items from stairs, installing proper lighting, removing throw rugs, and using non-slip surfaces as necessary. The CDC offers a wonderful checklist of basic items that can be helpful called “Check for Safety: A Home Fall Prevention Checklist for Older Adults.”

We have provided the checklist to assist you in being proactive. https://www.cdc.gov/steadi/pdf/STEADI-Brochure-CheckForSafety-508.pdf

Not all falls can be prevented – however, it is important to reduce the risk of falling and injury from falls as much as possible.

Learn more fall prevention tips in the link, https://lbda.org/news-you-can-use-fall-prevention-tips