Where Did He Go?

My father passed away on Dec. 6, 2014, of sepsis that we didn’t know was happening – because he never complained. We first noticed signs that seemed to veer away from the Essential Tremor many in our family have, and head towards Parkinson’s. No doctors seemed concerned about this shift, which continually worsened for years. Then came other symptoms – getting lost and confused one minute and being fine the next. He was diagnosed with dementia at a hospital, and my protests that we had just done the NY Times Crossword puzzle in pen together the night before went unheeded. Dementia doesn’t happen overnight, I complained. There must be another reason. Then came the hallucinations and hand movements. Blamed on possible infections which would clear up with antibiotics, until they didn’t. My own research led me to LBD, which explained everything, although his neurologist and primary care still were hesitant. Had they been better informed, we could have had answers and a community to help support us. I am glad to have found this community now, and hope that my experience can help someone else go through theirs.

Sue Cohen

Oct 08, 2014