This is not how I pictured it at 26

Mom was initially diagnosed with Alzheimers almost two years ago in February 2009. She was 63. I was 24 years old and recently engaged. We (my Dad, sister and I)were told to expect a slow steady decline and thats what we braced ourselves for. Except, thats not what happened. It was as if mom went from 0 to 60 in the other direction. My sister and I weren’t sure what our next step should be but continued to press ahead with wedding plans and making sure my mom was included. Eight months later, Oct 2009 my husband and I were married. Afterwards while having our photos taken trying to keep track of my mom was like trying to keep track of Houdini. She kept disappearing just as we were ready for a picture. At Thanksgiving of 09 mom told me she was seeing people out in the yard. When we looked though we saw objects that were already there (a picnic table, water pump etc). Immediately I made an appt with her doctor. At that appt is when we first heard about Lewy Body Dementia.

Taking care of mom has been a team effort and we all do what is needed. Of course it’s not always easy. This is not what I pictured myself doing at 26. I never thought I would enter parenthood backwards, or spend the vast majority of my time as a newlywed going to my parents house everyday. But than again, who does? As mom continues to progress and become more emotional, confused and dependent on us, We just take things day by day and remind her that we are there for her no matter what in the same way she was always there for us.


Dec 12, 2010