My story with Mom

My mom was diagnosed in 2012. She is currently in a nursing home in the late stages, I believe. She has not been out of bed since 4/29/17. She needs help to complete every daily task from dressing to eating and drinking. She has not used the restroom for over a year and a half. We now have days she doesn't know us and few she does. It has been an emotional roller coaster.

There have been times we thought it was the end and she rallied back, as they say. This has been a very long journey my family and I find myself asking God to take her home. Her quality of life is nothing when I see her; however, if she knows no difference, then having her here is fulfilling. She smiles on some days and those days are beautiful. I come and see her everyday. I have missed a few days of visitation due to illness or family insisting I get away. I feel like I really need to be her voice.

My father passed away 14 years ago and mom really missed him. I am not sure if she knows who he is anymore. I hate this part when things are forgotten. We have pictures of him and her all over in her room but she would rather we put them away. I read how awful this disease is, but I'm not sure what to expect. 


Aug 18, 2017