Maxine – an acrostic poem


L osing you to this disease is beyond painful and paralyzing
E ach day wondering what will be…
W aking up with angst and longing to have real conversation and banter
Y ou are now like my sweet vulnerable child

B latant confusion and anxiety occupies your days
O bvious frustration and desire to “just get better” are unbearable to witness
D espite your boundless determination to do it on your own
Y ou cannot recognize the endless worry and sadness I feel

D esperate to see some joy in your eyes and a smile on your beautiful face
E ach time I am with you is a gift — yet also a reminder that I am
M ourning the loss of you, Mommy.
E ntrenched in your heart I will always be
N ever failing to do my absolute best to love you and care for you
T aking one moment at a time, one hour at a time, one day at a time
I n spite of the frightening and ambiguous path ahead
A lways reminding myself to remember…

the real Maxine.

Andrea Bagnell

Nov 14, 2013